Telemetry on serial port on Navio2

Hello, when starting Arducopter with -C switch, does the telemetry get sent to the uart port?

If so, on mission planner wich one is the serial i should set? (i think Serial1, since serial 0 is the one i use with -A on UDP)

Is it ok to set the port speed trough Mission planner?



“sudo ArduCopter-quad -C /dev/ttyAMA0” does point to uart (with default baudrate for -C: 57600 )

on mission planner (I’m not sure if i understand you correctly) i use the com port that is being recognised for my usb-serial adapter

Hello Benedikt,

i use sudo ArduCopter-quad -A udp:ip:14550 -C /dev/tty/AMA0

If i am correct at this point i have my 2nd telemetry going out of serial port on navio. Now, i need 115k for Alexmos gimbal, my question is, how do i recognize wich serial is the correct one? (serial1, serial2 ecc ecc) so that i can set the correct 115k baudrate and correct mavlink protocol in mission planner?


i never tried using uart for gimbal; (though pointing secondary telemetry [-c] to the gimbal does not sound right)
uart may work too with navio2 (although NOT with -C option) but i never had a chance to try that

you either use “pass through” for the appropiate channels (something between ch9-ch14) or you set up channels with mnt options from ardupilot (Complete Parameter List — Copter documentation)

Since firmware 2.60 alexmos supports mavlink, so theoretically the gimbal is feeded with ahrs, gps, compass, rc and and some other stuff trough mavlink. So, reading from the manual what i need is a serial on navio with mavlink getting out of it at 115k. What i am wondering is, if i use switch -C, how do i know wich serial i am using serial1…5?

Once i know the serial i can try to double chack again if everything is ok.

You can take a look here (page65):


i will have a look in the next few days to alexmos gimbal controller;
here might be some infos:

Thank you. So it looks like Serial1 is the correct port.

Setting the baudrate and protocol type inside Mission Planner for Serial1 is ok or speed is hardcoded into AP?

I think i’ll give a shot at telemetry2 with -D switch to see if it makes any diff.


No! It’s all configurable within GCS. SERIAL_SPEED being the parameters to look for.

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