Reach setup for post processing

I have read all the posts in this forum to find how to setup the reach module (as rover) and reach RS (as base) for post processing. But I didn’t find any possible solution either from the forum or from the documentation. The user manual explains about setting up in RTK mode only.

I have one Reach RS, which is installed at a known location (on top of a tripod stand on a roof) - I want this as base. I have one Reach module, which is placed on another tripod stand at some distance from the base. As I have only one Reach RS, I cannot use LoRa radio. I didn’t even have internet connectivity to communicate between the two. So, there is no other option left with me other than post processing the raw logs.
The first doubt in my mind is

How to configure the base?? As it is not moving, shall I use Static or Kinematic or Single

I used Kinematic setting for base - as it is by default.

The same is the case for rover!! Here my rover is also fixed to a stand. I used kinematic setting for rover also as I want to move it after some time.

I observed that even before I start a new project, the raw data started logging…

In case of automatic collection of data, do I really require to create a “New project”??

There is no option to end the survey… What should I do??

Will my settings affect the final output during the post processing.

In this demo, I want to find the exact distance between the base and the rover.

One final doubt is that how would they (reach modules) know which one is base and which one is rover ??

Can anyone please suggest and help me.



I’ll try to address all your questions here:

RTK settings like positioning mode only affect actual positioning and raw data processing in real time. Raw data you log is only affected by update rate and the GNSS systems. This is correct for both rover and base. If you want a good log for post-processing, you only need to make sure the right systems are on.

Automatic point accept rules are project wide, so you are required to create a new project if you wish to change them.

I am not sure what exactly you are talking about, but if you wish to leave an exact project, there is “back arrow” on the top left.

Both devices are identical. They can play both parts. Moreover, if you configure them right and both of them are static, they can both be base to each other.

It’s up to you to decide, which one is the base. Just make sure it’s static and sends corrections and the one that’s moving accepting corrections.

Thanks for the detailed answer. In my case both the devices won’t communicate. If the devices are static, I should process using Static option. Am I right?

However, if I move the rover for certain time and then kept it static, what processing should I use?

I was inspired by this thread to make a visual post about PPK settings. Maybe it will help a bit:


If you ever intend moving the rover, use kinematic.

@bide, thanks again :slight_smile:


Thank you @bide. It really helped me

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