Wrong coordinates after lost signal

Hello all
Last week I was on a site for measuring some GCPs.
My RS2 lost connection with 4G for a minute and lost connection with NTRIP server.
After re-establishing connection the coordinates was a bit away as a ‘’ FLOAT" (We had a second rover working on site and we tested).
I had to restart the unit and reconnect…
Is this normal ?

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Hi Nikos,

The FLOAT solution means that the rover hasn’t resolved the integer ambiguity yet. You don’t have to rely on it.

Can you specify, please, did you receive the FIX solution after reconnection to the NTRIP? And if so, did that coordinates match the ones you’ve expected?

I also want to add that you don’t need to restart the unit after the connection drops. After the receiver reconnects to the NTRIP, it should start receiving the corrections if there’s an Internet connection.

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Hello Kirill
maybe I was not clear.
I was on FIX and measuring gcps.
Sometime lost 4G and lost NTRIP. After that 4G and NTRIP corrections got back to normal.
Reachview was showing FIX but my measurement looked AS FLOAT (I had a second rover to check).

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When you say looked AS float, it actually said float in the top of your reach view or your accuracy was out?

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No ,at the ReachView 3 top corner was Fixed but my accuracy was not correct

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Can you post shots of your gnss settings on rover and base?

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Hello John it is only Rover no base only NTRIP corrections

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Hi Nikos,

If it’s possible, send us the following info:

  • CSV file from ReachView 3
  • Raw data log from the rover
  • Position log from the rover
  • Base correction log from the rover
  • Points’ coordinates that you used for comparison.

You can find logs in the Logging tab in ReachView 3.

I assume that the age of differential had risen due to the poor Internet connection, and the result varied from what you expected. I need these logs to check whether my assumption is valid.

Can you also specify what NTRIP service did you use? Does it work with the VRS technique or not?


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