Will they add exporting a survey report in html at some point?

Greetings from the Dominican Republic, I am very happy with the RS2 equipment, I have been using them for more than two years and the software has evolved very well for this territory. Two functions that I would like you to take into account regarding the state’s real estate registry work are very important. which are presented by the surveyors and the lack of these functions force us to use third-party software and these functions are:

1- the possibility of exporting a survey report in html format which would give institutional credibility as these cannot be easily modified vs. the csv that we currently have and they could add an emlid template that gives it more credibility.

2- that the application, apart from rinex and ubx, allows us to export a .raw file of the projects to have a generic document to review in third-party software and to be able to visualize connection vectors in the observations.

Apart from this I am very happy with Emlid Flow and it would be a great way to win this very large market of surveyors that they have in the Dominican Republic.


Hi Raymond !

I’ve always wanted to go to the Dominican Republic ! Too old now, I guess. I should have gone in my younger years. What’s so strange is I’ve always had a special interest in DR, I’ve been looking through all my old digital quadrangles lately. Fascinating place.

Those are great ideas… especially for government land surveys. I’m sure Emlid will produce this if there is considerable interest. I use the M2 and RS2 occasionally when I can leave the office, we mainly have Javad equipment that we use daily. Javad equipment performs the exact same reports.

Can you share a link to your Geodetic Survey office ? I’d like to have some updated quadrangles maps for your country if they are available.


Hi @reymondmartin07,

Thank you for your feedback! I am glad you are happy with your Reach device and Emlid Flow.

We understand how important the survey report in HTML and the .raw file are for you. We’re collecting such requests for consideration, and I’ve noted yours as +1. Thanks!


This is for real a very important feature as it’s a recommend document to be attach here in saudi arabia
May I ask if you know any app that work with emlid rs2 and has this feature?

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Hi @AbdUlaziz,

Thanks for your Feature Request. I’ll add yours as well as +1. To answer your question, Field Genius has the HTML export option. Others might also be able to suggest another software that has the HTML export option.