Why would I choose Float solution

Hello everyone,

I have read most of emlid documentation of the different acquisition solution method (FIX, Float vs single). Right now, I still don’t understand why I would CHOOSE the float solution if I have available base correction.

I have been mostly using the Reach RS2 in LoRa RTK with FIX solution. If the signal wasn’t good enough (ex. too old age), the device would automatically swtiched to SINGLE by itself.

So why would I sacrifice centimeter FIX solution for sub-meter Float solution if Reach jumps right away to SINGLE (2-3 m) when the signal is not good enough ?

Thank you,

IMO float is nothing but an indicator that you are receiving corrections. You can get sub-foot with a float but that just means that you are very close to achieving a fix. I can’t think of any reason to use it on purpose. If you use a rover make sure the Fix only toggle is on when shooting.

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Hi Anne-Marie,

Michael is right – Float means that a rover gets base corrections, but not all ambiguities are resolved yet. It quickly turns to Fix in good environmental conditions.

ReachView 3 doesn’t restrict collecting points in Single and Float. But yeah, when you work in RTK, we always recommend surveying with Fix for high accuracy.


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