When trying to geotag photos emlid studio is asking for more photos than I took

First survey using a drone. Flying an autel Evo II pro V3 RTK drone with an RS3 as a base. I flew one large mission and had to swap batteries so I have two sets of pictures and PPK files. When using emlid studio 1.8 to post process, the first set worked fine, and geotagging was successful. The second batch of photos was not. The PPK files processed fine, but when I went to upload the photos for geotagging, I received an error that says “Must contain 106 photos.” There are only 101 photos, so I am not sure what I did wrong. When counting the dots on the Ground tracking screen there isn’t 106 dots… I don’t know why it would insist on 106 photos, especially since the first batch of 326 photos worked just fine.


I’m not sure what you did wrong, but it seems like you are missing 5 photos. You could try to find the missing photos or delete the existing photos so that the number of photos matches the required number.

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You will need to compare your file list vs the number of line items in the MRK file and look for the number range or individual photos that it is showing that aren’t in the directory. I have had this happen when I took some additional photos while the mission was paused and when I filed them I had to remove those line items from the MRK.


Hi @droney_time,

Welcome to our forum!

Looks like @michaelL has already shared some solid tips. Emlid Studio needs the number of timestamps to match the number of photos for accurate geotagging. Could you please check your MRK file and images for any discrepancies?

If you’re still having trouble, please email me all the files at support@emlid.com. For large files, you can use Google Drive or WeTransfer.

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It happened to me a few times too.

I did what Michael L said, opened MRK in Notepad++ and identified the excess lines and deleted them.

Sometimes I noticed that it generated repeated lines for the same record. So I put the data in Excel and applied a condition to identify repeated values.


Thanks to all who replied. I will look through the mrk file tonight and update.


Thanks everyone. It was the .mrk file. There were some numbers that were repeated. It looks like the first of the repeated lines is a little erratic. Slight elevation jumps… Just deleted the extras, and everything worked great.


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