What is the range of the rover compared to the base station in NTRIP Caster

I want to setup an RS3 Base station and use a RX or RS3 as a rover. I want to cast the corrections via NTRIP on the Emlid caster network.

My question is what is the longest distance the rover can get from the base before accuracy issues show up.

I’ve read 10km baseline which equates to about 6 miles. But is it more than that? What is the max I can go keeping cm accuracy? Is there an equation for this?


The estimated degradation is 1 cm per 6 miles. So, if RTK accuracy is 7mm horizonatally and 14mm vertically, as soon as you get 6 miles out you are at 1.7 cm H and 2.4 cm vertical. At 12 miles the estimate would be 2.7 and 3.4

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Thank you, I thought so but wanted to be sure.

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Hi @daniel.laro

Welcome to our Community Forum!

Since the corrections are transmitted via the Internet, there’s no distance limit for the Emlid NTRIP Caster itself. You just need to consider the receiver’s max supported baseline:

  • 10 km in RTK for the single-band receivers (Reach M+ and Reach RS+)
  • 60 km in RTK for the multi-band receivers (Reach M2, Reach RS2, RS2+, RS3 and RX)

The only thing you should be aware the signal is the baseline could be affected by the environment conditions and can decrease significantly if you work in an urban area or if there are trees or buildings between the base and the rover.