What are users entering for Antenna Phase Center (APC) in third party apps & software?

Sorry it took me so long to reply, Tim!

Here are the requested values:

The RS/RS+
L1: 65mm APC
Phase Center Error: ± 2 mm

Multi-band helical GNSS antenna
L1: 0.035 m
L2: 0.037 m
Phase Center Error: ± 2 mm

L1: 0.1349 m
L2: 0.1371 m
Phase Center Error: ± 2 mm

L1: 0.1471 m
L2: 0.149 m
Phase Center Error: ± 2 mm

Regarding the Antenna Radius, as far as I know, the radius of the “antenna” is used to calculate slant height when installing a base station on a tripod. This is why the software wants it. Most likely, you need the receiver radius in this case.
You can find these values on the drawings of RS/RS+, RS2/RS2+/RS3, RX, and in this thread for the Multi-band helical GNSS antenna.