What are my base coordinates?


I recently started using a pair of Reach RS modules for gathering the position of ground control points for aerial drone photosurvey.

Today was our first day in the field with this setup, and it went pretty well! However, I realized when I started working on postprocessing my base module coordinates that I’d forgotten to write down the location that my base module had stored and used to establish relative distance to my rover! Are those coordinates stored anywhere, or am I out of luck?

As a workaround, I calculated the average of all raw base coordinates, calculated the average of all corrected coordinates (PPK with CORS), and subtracted one from the other in order to yield a generalized correction factor. However, I’d like to apply this factor to the actual stored coordinates of the base station if posible.

Thank you!

Ja, that is a mistake I have made only too often! As part of our checklist, we do a screenshot of the base coordinate once it has been resolved / or broadcasting.
Apparently there is development to include this in the final exported surveyed points (along with a lot of other stuff!) in the mix already.

That is a fix I will be looking forward to! Thanks for letting me know, @Luke_Wijnberg!
Well, at the very least, I learned my lesson. I was very intentional about capturing the image of the base coordinates in the field today.

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