Virtual COM port as output of NMEA from RS+


Is there any way to create a virtual COM port and have the position output to this port?

Reach RS+ with 27.1 firmware

I need GPS NMEA as input to a Sonardyne Scout USBL system

Many thanks

Hi @hwr,

Welcome to the forum!

Reach can stream its position using Bluetooth. You can set it up in the Emlid Flow application: Settings > Position Streaming. Will this solution work for you?

Do I understand correctly that you can’t use the wired connection in your case? Can you elaborate on why?

I’d also let you know that our latest firmware version is 31.8. I suggest connecting RS+ to the Internet and updating it.

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Well it is inconvenient to use wired connection, as the cable needs to be about 10-15 m, and the one you offer online is just 2 m.

The USBL system I’m using needs the GPS data trough a COM port. Its the only input it will accept.

Feel free to come with other recommendations, if you think it will be suitable for me.

Many thanks,


Installing the Reach Firmware Flash Tool on your computer automatically installs all the necessary drivers. After that, during the connection, you should see the COM port (in the Device Manager if you’re using a Windows laptop). With the Bluetooth connection, Reach will also create a COM port.