Using rover while base still gathering static obs

We are transitioning to static obs from our previous network RTK workflow.

What is the workflow for gathering points using a rover (e…g second Reach unit) while the base is still gathering static obs for subsequent CORS correction? In particular:

  • I assume the base should be set to AVERAGE SINGLE throughout?
  • does the corrected base station position need to be entered into Flow (Base settings) before processing the rover data or will everything be corrected automatically?

Hi @survey2,

With an Average Single base position, the rover will be centimeter-level precise relative to the base, but absolute accuracy in the selected coordinate system will be at meter level.

Did I understand correctly that you also want to post-process the rover measurements with Stop and Go after obtaining the precise coordinates of the base (with Static PPK)?

does the corrected base station position need to be entered into Flow (Base settings) before processing the rover data or will everything be corrected automatically

I am asking because you mentioned Flow here. Do you perhaps mean Emlid Studio?

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If you plan to connect to a CORS via NTRIP, set to AVERAGE FIX.


The base settings should be set to average single, you’ll work with an imprecise base position in the field, which is fine.
Afterwards, in Emlid Studio, you can use the Stop&Go processing model, where you must enter the corrected base position manually.

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