Everything I find online usually describes using two emlids or a base and a rover. However, we only have one receiver. Could anybody please describe the best workflow using one Emlid reach 3. When connected to NTRIP you cannot receive a log file to correct the data against a base such as CORS.
When not connected to Ntrip you would log with the receiver for around 4 hours to receive accuracy for Base then start logging your GCPS ? if you have an accurate base do you have to log on top of your GCPS for 4 hours. I find all of this a bit confusing if someone could please clarify I would be forever grateful.
What is the step by step process for using one receiver ?
Sure you can! It is logged as rtcm, and can be used for post processing, just like the receivers own logging.
Hi @uavteam,
If you have only one receiver, there are different options to obtain data with centimetre accuracy.
The first option is to work in RTK using an NTRIP service. This guide describes the steps of this workflow.
If you prefer doing PPK, it’s also possible, as Christian pointed out. While receiving corrections from an NTRIP service, you can record the base correction log in RTCM3 format. Then, it’s possible to convert it to RINEX using Emlid Studio and use it as a base log in post-processing. But if you’re receiving corrections, you already have centimetre accuracy.
Alternatively, if you can’t use the NTRIP in some locations, you can search for raw CORS data, which can also be used as a base log for Stop&Go, for example. However, please note that the baseline shouldn’t be more than 100 km for PPK.
For reliable, repeatable single digit centimeter results for PPK, I’d say no more than 30-40 km baseline, and preferably shorter.
Absolutely agree. The shorter the baseline is, the better.