Using iOS for hotspot and android for collecting (ArcGIS Field Maps)

Using iOS for hotspot and android for collecting (ArcGIS Field Maps)
I can’t find information about using a 3-device setup. Is it possible?

Here is my setup:

  • 1 RS2+
  • 1 iphone for the hotspot
  • 1 android tablet for collection
  • ArcGIS Field Maps for collection

My tablet does not have sim card, so I want to use my phone for the internet using the NTRIP method and only one receiver (I couldn’t make the Caster work but works great).

If I only use the iOS for both hotspot and flow I can connect but for some reason I can never get a fixed position so I can’t collect points. I use my own basemaps so Field Maps is better. But when I try to change the provider in Field Maps I get into the problem of not integrated Bluetooth for iOS same problem as:

So, I would like to use my iphone for the hotspot so I can do NTRIP corrections, but my android tablet to connect to Field Maps. Is it possible that both the Reach and the Tablet can connect to my hotspot just as if it was a wifi router? How can I use a 3/device setup?

Hey @rodrigo,

I’ve deployed this exact same setup about a dozen times now and it works.

  1. in flow - make sure the RS2 knows your phone’s hotspot. on your iPhone, consider having a password that is simple, but has at least one upper case, one number, and one symbol. e.g., Password1!
  2. make sure you are on the Personal Hotspot page on your iPhone before you turn on the Reach unit, otherwise it won’t find it and kick it back to its own wifi
  3. ensure that the android tablet is connected to the same hotspot
  4. in flow - ensure that the android tablet is connected to the RS2 via bluetooth AND that position streaming Bluetooth NMEA is turned on
  5. ensure that the android tablet is connected to the RS2 via bluetooth
  6. in FieldMaps, ensure that the Provider is the RS2 unit that you’ve added AND that the Profile is correct

I would REALLY love it if Emlid would iOS certify their bluetooth so I would not have to get android tablets for field use.


Hi Rodrigo,

Welcome to our community!

@DM_GIS has perfectly summarised the main steps that can help you check that everything is in order. As a small addition, I would like to leave here our guide, which may also be of help.

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Hi guys!

I’m happy to say that we have introduced the new RX with MFi certification. This RX can be connected to third-party applications using Bluetooth. Here’s our guide about connecting to ArcGIS Field Maps.

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