Hallo everybody
I would like to know if I can use 2 reach units one as base station one mounted on my tractor and an android phone as a screen to use as a solution for GPS guidance In a gricultural aplications
What Ag system are you trying to use it with?
You might want to look at this post
Here is another informative thread
I would like to use it with field navigator Agribus navi or an other android aplication
I am in Greece and I would like to know if it’s compatible with the local rtk networks like hepos and metrika net.
I would also like to what is the accuracy of the device without an rtk
Hi Alexandros,
Welcome to the community forum!
Yes, you can use Reach receivers for tractor guidance. I believe Forming Precise Beds for Strawberries with Reach RS2 and Using Reach RTK for Affordable Auto-Steering on a Farm in Austria articles might be of interest to you.
You can use Android apps like AgriBus-NAVI with Reach receivers. For that, you need to connect the receiver to an Android device via Bluetooth. Please check this guide for more information.
Reach receivers works with the corrections messages in the RTCM3 format. As far as I’ve checked, HEPOS supports this format. So there should be no issues with the integration.
The standalone receiver will provide you with a few meters of accuracy only. To get centimeter-accurate results, you need to use Reach receivers in RTK.
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