Use reach with commercial autosteering barlights?

Hi there, we just come to rent a john deere RTK with auto steering on our New-Holland TN 80 F , to plant sugarbeet root. There is nobody in the tractor, we are on the planter, with a camera we can see the end of the field, so with an hydraulic system we can clutch to stop the tractor.
This system works pretty well with alarms when something bugs and so, but the purchasing would be 20 000€ + 1500€ every year…
The fact is I have a gps lightbar TeeJet Matrix 570G , which is RTK ready. I don’t know how, but I think it would be possible to send Reach’s signal to it?

I’m not sure, how this receiver works, but it should be fine as long as it has a way of accepting RTCM3 corrections.