Today I struggled with two reach devices and unfortunately with even really good sky view, I couldn’t get the FIX . I was working on them for 4 hours in -3Deg of centigrade weather and I finally realized that the problem is because of AR validation ratio . Then I searched through the internet and I find some solutions but unfortunately I couldn’t find the advanced parameters of RTK Lib in ReachView 2. So here is my major problems :
1- Any ideas to how get AR Validation over 3 ? because when ever it goes higher than 3 I could see fix , but it would disappear less than 2-3 seconds . Any recommendation ? any details of what cause this AR Validation to goes below 3 ? any experiences and solutions ?
2- How can I change advanced RTK parameters in the last update ? we had the parameters in old image but I can’t find them right now . Options like minimum lock count (Pos2-arlockcnt) , AR ratio factor threshold
3- I could get 0.013 accuracy in float mode which is enough for me but it drifts by the time , is there any chance that I could get less accuracy but without drift ? it is almost 3 weeks that I’m working on Reach and It really disappointed me and delayed the final project
4- It seems not logical but in case of being sure , Does getting Fix related to country which I’m testing ? My final device should work in middle east .
I had one but it was recording while I was changing everything , Today I will record the log again with suitable configuration and I will send you in one or two hours .
@Hamed_Jafarzadeh 1- Any ideas to how get AR Validation over 3 ? because when ever it goes higher than 3 I could see fix , but it would disappear less than 2-3 seconds . That is major headache everyone or many is struggeling with, i dont think there is a clear answer for that. One setup works one place and the same dont in another place. You could allways lower AR to 2 It would be nice to know a little more about your setup, maybe start a new thread and post you config. Its easier to give a more specific advice.
Ive found with postprocess i would get higher AR level next time around, and i also know that one setting is not as good in other areas. Would recommend postprocessing to get a feel and how changing values affects the output solution. I`ve learn a lot from that
2- How can I change advanced RTK parameters in the last update ? we had the parameters in old image but I can’t find them right now . What setting are you looking for?
3- I could get 0.013 accuracy in float mode which is enough for me but it drifts by the time , is there any chance that I could get less accuracy but without drift ? it is almost 3 weeks that I’m working on Reach and It really disappointed me and delayed the final project “Accurate” float is not the same as accurat fix.
If fix, its more likely that this position is correct then float. Even if you think float its giving you the correct value it might be way of, the problem with that is that you never know. A fixed float so it wouldnt drift, what would you achieve? i would rater have a drifting float and knowing its not accurat, then a stable float and think its as good as a fix.
I think team Emlid have a good thing rolling her with pushing tweek to get the most out of L1 unit. Other then that i feel your frustration
4- It seems not logical but in case of being sure , Does getting Fix related to country which I’m testing ? My final device should work in middle east . Its mostly about getting signals from satellites to your device and having enough of them. You could use this service and see if its a good chance of gps coverage.
Best of luck and dont give up on this
Today right after saving this log I could get FIX for about 15 minutes and after that I lost it again . But it was first time that I get this value . The only thing that I done was reseting the configurations to default and also putting reaches a little more further of eachother . about 2.91 meters away and I got FIX for 15 minutes .
I’m really looking for somewhere which I could change RTK advanced Parameters .
You can not adjust AR values in reachview (edit:reachview 2) (minimum lock count (Pos2-arlockcnt) , AR ratio factor threshold).
For that you need to open it with ex. rtklib.
what reachview version do you have?
I could open mine with rtklib 2.4.3 b26 , but not yours.
Edit: You can try mine .ubx file i just made. (indoor) and open it witk rtkpost or plot with rtklib 2.4.3 b26 (491.2 KB)
I’m using reachview 2.1.5 .
I didn’t get what you mean by " You need to open it with ex. rtklib " , you mean is it possible to change those parameters ?
here is a picture of my tests that finally lead to FIX but it was unstable and after 15 minutes it gone completely
I was refering to postprocessing in rtklib to get to the setting you were looking for.
Im not updated about SSH into Reach and adjust setting this way. Someone else might clarify that. But i understand changing any value is possible this way.
But, options like minimum lock count (Pos2-arlockcnt) , AR ratio factor threshold are two values i would not recommend as a first choice to get better/fast fix. Your are basically lowering the threshold for when fix position will kick in.
I rather try finding the reason for why the low AR
Hope this could be of any help
I’m using mobile a hotspot for connecting two reach devices . Both Reach devices are using laptop for power supply.
Unfortunately I don’t have any good picture . it is the only one I found in my phone . Next time I will take more pictures .
What type of groundplate do you use?
Do you have free sky view from 25 degrees and above?
You may have some interference from local wifi signals. If all device is on in your picture, you could have 6 interfering wifi noice. I would limte the amount of potenial error by removing as many as you can. The number in its self is not so much but when all is within 1m radius i would definitely do something about that.
I would also test both unit with same settings to confirm duplicate results.
A few suggestions based on what I have found in my research here and other forums. You can use aluminum foil for ground plane if you have it available. The wire across your ground plane does not help. The antenna wire needs to get through and below your ground plane as soon as possible. The ground plane for your base should be symmetrical. 10-12cm is fine. Would also help with rover or any antenna placement. The trees in the background will not help. You may have to adjust your elevation mask or get your base higher. You could put it in a cheap plastic or cardboard box with aluminum foil ground plane with hole to pass antenna wire.
The antenna sitting on the ground is probably not going to work very well. A couple cardboard boxes for testing at least?
These things are very sensitive to how and where they are installed. All part of the limitations of L1 only GNSS.
Thank you guys for your kind answers . I’ll try to test with a new setup and let you know about the result, In return I will promise to write down my experiences and steps I have taken for getting better results for amateur people like me .