Trouble working out points

G’day all,
I am trying to work out some historical (+10years) points from an old informal survey (I think).
The points are:
Northing (South) Easting
340618.33 1421054.63
340618.79 1421102.48
340620.88 1421100.49

my problem is that I dont recognise the CRS.
In my area we use EPSG: 28354 / MGA Zone 54, which these are nothing like.

Can anyone tell me how I can work out what these point are? The only note is they were taken with traditional GPS.



What state of the USA are you in ? Many states use different “foot” definitions as well as using meters.
To me, they look like coordinates in meters

They seem like UTM coordinates to me, but I am no expert, I might be wrong. Very new to this GNSS world.

I agree, they look like UTM but there is no zone with them.

Hi Joe,

Coordinates seem to be in meters, but we can only guess what exact projection they are. So even if any coordinate system looks like a match, the results wouldn’t be centimeter-accurate.

To try to define the most likely coordinate system, you can use free QGIS software. You can upload a CSV file with your points in different coordinate systems to the software and check if it matches the background map.

As you mentioned that these coordinates are quite obsolete, I’d also suggest playing with different datums in QGIS. These points may be related to one of the preceding datums.

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What area of the planet are you ??? That would help some !!?

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From the OP’s remarks and the CRS given in his first message, I would say he is from our friends down under, Australia.
I did a search on “EPSG: 28354 / MGA Zone 54” and it comes back as: Australia including Lord Howe Island, Macquarie Islands, Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Norfolk Island. All onshore and offshore area.

I played with the given coordinates a little, but I couldn’t make any sense out of them either.

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I figured it out
340618.33 1421054.63
-34deg 61 33
142deg 105 463
someone clearly had no idea what they copied when the copied it from one spreadsheet to the next


I think this is the top rated issue surveys have :sweat_smile:. What kind of coordinates are these?..


I believe it’s this :

34° 06’ 18.33"

142° 10’ 54.63"


Or this correction designating negative 34 too get in the right latitude which is Australia.

-34° 06’ 18.33" (S)

142° 10’ 54.63" (E)

Or it could even possibly be decimal degrees?:

-34.061833° (S), 142.105463° (E)

He should go out and look for markers, and/or further research of documents to verify.

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-34° 06’ 18.33" (S)

142° 10’ 54.63" (E)
this, confirmed.
Crazy how people can be so careless with numbers

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