Trouble getting FIX in PPK after applying PPP base position

Hi. I am trying to run PPK in Emlid Studio using UBX files from both my base and rover. I have a PPP solution for the base position which I would like to use, but when I try to apply it to the PPK process I am unable to get FIX and it just stays in single the whole time. When I use the RINEX header position everything seems fine, but I know it is not an accurate position for the base. I have included links to the files for review. Thank you.

Using your data and the PPP base position in ITRF14, it fixes just fine in both EzSurv and RTKpost Demo5 b34e.

I would suspect it could be a signs-issue, where you you didn’t have a minus in front of your longtitude, maybe ?

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Glad it could be of help.
I have removed the screenshots.

FYI to future searchers, if you enter the wrong information or details into your base, your base will recognize that it isn’t correct and not allow a RTK solution. I had it happen when I entered in the wrong coordinate system. Its actually an awesome feature.

Hi guys,

Glad to see that you’ve found a solution. Thanks, Christian!

@jherbranson, just want to add that to keep information private, you can also edit the initial post and remove the link to your files from it. Please let me know if you need my help with it.

Hi Joe,

Can’t say that it was us who made it work this way :sweat_smile:

Basically, it’s just the characteristic of the RTK calculations. When entered base position significantly differs from the real one, the rover can barely calculate a Fix.

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