Tractor installation advice welcome


I am just using the RPi with an Arduino and ROS (with my Python scripts). Last weekend I completed “full control” of the tractor. I now have all of the controls I need for planting.

I appreciate being able to use off-the-shelf solutions when I can. I really wanted Navio to work for me but it felt too cumbersome to work around it. ROS is definitely what I need to use for future projects, so I’d rather invest my effort in it now. The only thing I’d want from Navio is better guidance. But I’m not so sure it would be a huge improvement over what I do with a dual-RTK receiver.

From what I’ve read, I think Navio is moving toward ROS. I hope that’s true. If Navio becomes a bunch of ROS components, I’ll certainly take advantage of it.

AgOpenGPS looks very interesting and I hope to use it in future projects. I’m really tempted to use it for my 31-row soybean planter this year. I’m planning to put a Precision Planting monitor on it but it would only be for monitoring, population, and section control. It looks like AgOpenGPS could probably handle it. I’m going to make sure I’ve got my corn planter working first.

I’ll check out Thank you.


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