Toggling a servo from RC switch

I would like to know how to toggle a servo from a RC switch (preferably on CH6 because I only 6 channels on my receiver… :slight_smile: ).
I found how to toggle from Mission Planner “SERVO” tab, but this is really not convenient to use in flight on my 7’’ touchscreen PC.

I am using this servo which seems to bear the 490Mhz refresh rate of the ESCs without problem (still a small vibration noise inside it nevertheless)

Thanks for your inputs!

You have to go to the full parameter list in missionplanner and search for RC6_FUNCTION.
Set it to 1 for “passtrough”. Now you schould be able to control the servo.
Be aware, that there was an issue with enabling any servo functions on channel 1-8 and erratic motor behaviour. I do not know if this still is a problem. Please be careful and remove the props before testing this.
It is save to enable servo functions on channel 9-14.
The passtrough function is 1 to 1, so if you want to control a servo on output ch9 with input ch6, you have to use the gimbal function for example.
If you need help with this, please let me know.

Hi Sebastian
It works! It’s a kind of magic… :wink:
Does this mean I have to choose between my additional servo or a gimbal? Or there are other ways to “redirect” a RC channel to a servo?

By the way despite my servo is digital it still has some strange sounds inside (no apparent movement outside). I assume this is due to the 490Hz update rate. If somebody know a servo compliant with such a rate it would make the install “sound” more reliable :slight_smile:

Thanks again Sebastian