Timestamp can't be converted in Stop&Go

Merryna, Happy New Year!
Would you be able to provide the exact formatting required for the Averaging Start/Averaging End columns?
I have the following: “2025/01/12 22:21:43.8 UTC” and still get the “timestamp cannot be converted” error.

Hi Ralph,

Welcome to the community!

For Stop&Go, the points need to be collected with Averaging, instead of Instant collection. In the case of Averaging, there will be a difference between the times in the Averaging start and Averaging end columns.

In your screenshot, the time formats are fine, but the times are the same, which means that the points were collected in Instant mode. But no worries: let’s manually increase the values in the Averaging end column, and it should do the trick with the post-processing. This support tip provides more details about this adjustment.

Please let me know how it’s going!

Thanks Kornel. I will modify a portion of the data. The majority of it was intended to be PPK as I was walking. There a few points that I collected more (10-200 seconds). I will isolate those.

A few questions regarding the overall formatting of the CSV:

  1. I did note that the CSV output from Flow360 includes a “tilt angle” column between the “Origin” and “EastingRMS” columns and a “Correction type” column between the “Solution status” and “Averaging start” column. These are note indicated in the post by Myrryna. Should I be removing those columns from my CSV before I input it into Studio?
  2. The Flow360 output CSV actually has a date format “2025-01-12 15:21:43.8 UTC-07:00”. The post process Studio POS file has the date format “2025/01/12 22:21:43.803” with “UTC” identified in the header. I modified the CSV times to UTC ( vs UTC-07:00) and I switched the date separator from “-” to “/”. Is this necessary?
  3. Would it be possible to get a data structure sample (POS from Studio and CSV from Flow360) that works so that I can compare my inputs?

I filtered out all of the records that had identical start and end times. This left me with 2 points that I had occupied for longer periods. I got the same error.

Hi Ralph,

Reach RS2/RS2+ doesn’t have tilt compensation, so the CSV has no Tilt angle column. However, this difference shouldn’t affect anything in the post-processing.

It’s better to keep the CSV in its exported format without any modification.

I can hardly share such files, but please send me the raw data logs and your CSV, and I’ll check them thoroughly to find the root of the issue. If it’s more convenient for you, feel free to email the files to support@emlid.com. Thanks!


I recognize that you would like me to use the CSV file from Flow360 without any modifications which is what I did initially. I then tried to troubleshoot the data and pointed out the differences I was observing.

> In your screenshot, the time formats are fine, but the times are the same, which means that the points were collected in Instant mode. But no worries: let’s manually increase the values in the Averaging end column, and it should do the trick with the post-processing.

I’m not quite sure why you are unable to share data that is exported directly from the programs. Do you not have any sample data that people can use to confirm their settings? I will try and collect some “stop and go” according to the instructions Emlid provides and test that data. If it does not work I will send you that data. This seems to be a problem that others have recently faced as well so I believe it is worth our time to try and identify the issues that are causing it. If you are are not able to provide a .pos and a csv file that actually work, how can I confirm that my installation of your software is working correctly?

I have about 45 days before I have to renew my licenses on quite a bit of software and I’m trying to work out if I’m able to replace some of those expensive softwares with Studio and Flow360. I’m developing my workflows and any automation I do relies on understanding the input/output requirements.

I respect what the Emlid team has done already. I have a BSc in Survey Science and almost 40 years experience that includes managing 500 person survey operations. I know a bit about automation and the expense of relying on Hexagon or Trimble for survey solutions. My son is a computer scientist with significant data structuring experience and he will be helping me with those technical questions. If I can get Emlid working well in my workflow, I will be a huge proponent and will promote through my large network in Canada. But, I need to make a relatively quick decision about Emlid Flow360 and Studio.

Hi Ralph,

Regarding the modification of the CSV, I just wanted to underline that it’s not recommended to remove the columns. Of course, you can modify the time values in the Averaging end column to make the points as they have been averaged. Sorry if my words were confusing.

Of course, all post-processing is different, and I’d like to check your data in more detail to find a solution. Please feel free to email them to support@emlid.com, and I’ll check the Stop&Go processing with them. Thank you!