Time of data Aquisition

Hello everyone,

In this tables I show the time in UTC of data aquisition of 2 different Emlid Reach modules. If you can notice, in the red rectangles the UTC hour of data aquisitions are different, one of them aquires the data at an exact time, the other one aquires data with 0,011 sec of difference. Is there an option that I can change the .011 sec of difference and leave it in the exact minute with 0.000 sec? So that both Modules aquire data at the same UTC time?

I´m attentive to your response,

Kind regards from Chile

Hi @brunogiu,

The images you provided show the .pos files, which are generated after processing the base and rover data. Do you want the raw data logs from the receivers to have timestamps rounded to the nearest minute? Or do you need this for the .pos files?

Either way, you can achieve this by specifying the starting log time to the exact minute and setting the logging interval to 1 second.

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