The New ReachView 3 is out

Hi Tim,

Not at the moment, we’re still reworking the Base mode in ReachView 3 app. We’re thinking about all of the ways we can make it easier to work with the manual coordinate import.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Paste base coordinates on iOS

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Hi guys,

That’s definitely a thread with a history. And I wanted to share some updates here.

In Emlid Flow, an update of the ReachView 3 app, we added linework and codes support under the Survey subscription. Here are the guides where you can learn about working with these features: Working with codes, Collecting Lines, Staking out Lines.


Hey guys,

I have one more update for this thread!

We’ve added customizable CSV export to the Survey plan in Emlid Flow 360. Now, you can select columns for export and their order, rename them and customize the separator.

In the future, we will add it to the Emlid Flow as well.