Surpad 4.2 with RS2? Can anyone reccomend?

Hi Guys,
New user to GNSS here juts purchased 2x Rs2, will have lots of questions about setting up, I am sure! Haha!

My first is, can anyone recommend Surpad 4.2?
I am a CAD user, and the Reachview software just gives points when imported as DXF.

I want a little more in this area. I want to be using rover to get points of a road, on a “Road” layer, and a fence on a different layer and a building on a different layer etc. Then when it is imported into Autocad, everything is easier to “use and find” etc etc.

Looks like Surpad will do this quite well and cost is reasonable. Looks like reachview just is not there yet? Will reachview ever do this?

Is this the correct place to buy Surpad 4.2?

Looks very slightly dodgy… so just making sure others have had a good experience. I have contacted that company, and they have provided a “trial” download.
But the download is an “APK” file, not from the play store, from a web download site that historically has had issues (Mega).
This would need “sideloaded” in android as it is not from the playstore. I am not sure I am allowed to do this on work devices… But i have a better argument to do so, if others have used it without issues?

Or any other reccomendations, around the same cost?



Hi Brian,

Congrats on purchasing your first Reach RS2 devices! Our forum is the place where you are always welcome with any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re right: ReachView 3 currently supports only points in DXF. But the app is in constant development. So, even if you start with a 3rd-party app, don’t forget to check ReachView 3 from time to time!

Also, if you think some other features are missed in ReachView 3, please share your thoughts with us.


I have used SurPad 4.0 and SurvX 4.0 (same app with different interface) for more than 1 year right now. Never had a problem.

You can not setup the base with SurPad.
You can not change the rover settings.
You can not start/stop logging
The app connects with Emlid unit via NMEA, so basically it just “reads” data from rover unit.

First you have to setup a base-rover connection using Emlid ReachView, after that you can use SurPad/SurvX.

That is my experience with SurPad 4.0.
If you need more help or have any question feel free to ask.

Thank you!


Hi Brian

if you are looking for a good GIS data collection app that is available on Android Play store or iOS App store, have a look at OnPOZ Collect

OnPOZ Collect and Cloud allows you to create data entry forms for point, line or polygon features you need to collect. You will collect data on a web back ground map. You can also import your own raster maps or vector maps.
OnPOZ Collect lets you GPS features or draw feature on the map.
Obvioulsy it can connect to your Emlid receivers (via BT on Android and via the receiver wifi on iOS)!
You can do simple or sophisticated GIS data collection with this app. It is very simple to use and it’s un-expensive.

Go to the web site to register for a 15-day trial


I purchased the Surpad software through Acnovo. It was not a problem. The $ 260 price is friendly.


Hola tendrias la configuracion de los equipos para poder realizar la coneccion tanto de la base como del rover nuchas gracias

How long does the license last for Surpad?

I Use fieldgenius and license is perpetual

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Can i use Ntrip through Surpad?

Long time SurvCE user, I upgraded my old gear recently and went with Hemisphere+SurPad.
At first I was a little hesitant but after I got used to it I like it better that SurvCE. Basically the power of android makes it better and faster than SurvCE. Also it’s price is very good.
So I can recommend Surpad but I don’t know if it works flawlessly with RS2.
I think that surpad can stream the ntrip corrections to RS2 via bluetooth so if you want to make the RS2 a network rover you can by enabling both input corrections and position output to Bluetooth.


Yes perpetual license, and transferable to another android device

Hahahah :joy::joy::joy: surpad ist wery good :slight_smile:

Amigo, encontré esto y me funcionó:

Conectar RS2 via wifi para usar SurPad
En ReachView (Rover):

Salida de posición Habilita la salida en TCP
Rol = Servidor.
Dirección = localhost.
Puerto = 9001.
Formato = NMEA.

En SurPad :

Ir a dispositivo →
Fabricante del dispositivo de comunicación = Otro.
Tipo de dispositivo = RTK (NMEA0183).
Modo de comunicación = Cliente TCP .
IP = 192.168.XX dirección IP asignada a su Rover por defecto (
Puerto = 9001 (un mismo puerto configurado anteriormente con ReachView).

Para recibir correcciones configure la opción Rover.
Por último, no olvide configurar los parámetros de la antena (Altura y tipo medidos de la antena).


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