Storm 32 gimbal controller setup

Dear forum members.

After some research on the forum I almost solved my problem, but I still have some questions .

How can I control my Storm 32 gimbal via the USB port of my RPI2

This is my setup:

NAVIO 2 + RPI1 --> USB to TTL --> Storm 32 V1.32 controller
telemetry via 3DR (USB) or WIFI dongle
Running the latest image available.

I managed to redirect the telemetry to the USB port instead of the uart connector but i’m unable to do this for the storm 32.
I have read here and there some answers in the forum but it’s all scattered information, i’m not getting the whole picture.
For you information the storm 32 runs with a baudrate of 115200.
Can somebody explain me what line I need to add to which file? I tried to add “-C /dev/ttyUSB1” but that didn’t work…
See below


Default settings for ArduPilot for Linux.

The file is sourced by systemd from arducopter.service

TELEM1="-A udp:"
TELEM2="-C /dev/ttyUSB0"
"-C /dev/ttyUSB1"

Options to pass to ArduPilot


                      #    # ###### #      #####
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-A is a console switch (usually this is a Wi-Fi link)

-C is a telemetry switch

Usually this is either /dev/ttyAMA0 - UART connector on your Navio

or /dev/ttyUSB0 if you’re using a serial to USB convertor

-B or -E is used to specify non default GPS

Type “emlidtool ardupilot” for further help

Can somebody point me into the right direction thank you!

ps: I could connect it to the UART port, but unfortunately the connector broke off…

thank you for your help


I tried to figure it out reading the docs but could not figure it out.


Have a look at your Serial settings (mission planner full parameter tree) and adjust speed according to your need, default is not 115200.

I control my Storm32 via servo output (Tilt control only), RC Out 9.

Edit: Looking at your settings, you cannot use the same switch (-C) for MavLink telemetry (usb0) and serial link to storm32 (usb1) as there are are not at the same speed. Or you should change storm32 serial speed.

Or try switch -D (serial2)

As in

You can add additional options to ARDUPILOT_OPTS that are then passed to ArduPilot by adding new TELEM environment variables like this: TELEM3=“-E /dev/ttyUSB1” ARDUPILOT_OPTS=“$TELEM1 $TELEM2 $TELEM3”
Mapping between switches and serial ports (TCP or UDP can be used instead of serial ports):

-A - serial 0 (always console; default baud rate 115200)
-C - serial 1 (normally telemetry 1; default baud rate 57600)
3DR Radios are configured for 57600 by default, so the simplest way to connect over them is to run with -C option.
-D - serial 2 (normally telemetry 2; default baud rate 57600)
-B - serial 3 (normally 1st GPS; default baud rate 38400)
-E - serial 4 (normally 2st GPS; default baud rate 38400)
-F - serial 5


Thank you very much.

I’m gonna give it next week a try!

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