I continuously log 65 minutes at RINEX using RS+ rover
I stop at 6 different points each point 10 minutes
I did not or I do not want to use my phone. So I manually register time and coordinate in a paper notes for each stop
I got complete base data from public COR obs+nav
Using Emlid Studio, How to get the correct coordinate for each point (one coordinate for every point)?
Hi @hhffaa,
You can choose the Static option and process the data related to one of the points by entering the period in Settings → Logs duration. After that, repeat this procedure for each point.
Still, for me, this workflow seems not as straightforward as Stop&Go with ReachView 3. Just wondering - why do you prefer to write down the time intervals instead of collecting points in the app?
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That’s right: One best helps to get a single solution for the whole log. It’s a default in the Static mode, but thanks for sharing! It’s helpful to know if some settings were changed.
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