Can anyone direct me to documentation on how to import a “corrected” csv file from Emlid Studio into Emlid Flow 360?
I exported the full csv from Flow360 and used the “update coordinates” feature in the Studio Stop and Go process to get a corrected csv. When I try to import it I get a “can’t import” error. I tried in the existing project thinking that there might be an update coordinates feature and tried into a new project.
If anyone has encountered this issue, let me know what you have tried and if it worked.
Create a separate new Emlid360 (or Emlidflow) project, set your CRS of choice, then import your corrected points into the new (empty) project.
This way means that you never overwrite your original point data, so if you subsequently find you’ve screwed something up, or want to try processing it again, you’ve still got the original to work from.
After all, having a Flow360 project isn’t the end goal, it’s a step on the way to somewhere else… like a GIS, modelling software or CAD, or spreadsheet.
Thanks Electro for the feedback. I’m reasonably aware of survey workflows. I’ve been developing them since drafters moved from manual drafting to AutoCAD 2.6 but… it’s the actually importing of the file that is not working. I get an error in Emlid Flow 360 when trying to import the file that comes directly out of Emlid Studio after using a file in Studio that came directly out of Emlid Flow 360.
I should have been a bit clearer: “…and tried into a new project.” meant that I started a new project with no points and tried to import the “corrected” csv.
In your corrected csv does it have a duration for the observations? Or start and end times? How long was each point logged for? And was it a stop and go? I’m assuming that’s the workflow you are using.
There was an issue previously where if you were collecting points in the stop and go with no average just click and store, as opposed to a 2 sec or so average the end file would fail on import. It seems the failure was due to the points having no end time or duration. I think that error knocks on to the information displayed in flow, where it gives start and end times etc.
The workaround was to manually enter a duration into the csv. That would get round the error handle and doesn’t affect the data. Entering a 1 sec duration seemed to work.
There is a discussion elsewhere on here for it, if you have a search through the threads it will be there with the solution. I’ll have a look and see if I can find it.
Using a Windows 11 OS, accessing Emlid Flow 360 using Edge and using Emlid Studio 1.9.
Exporting a full csv format from Emlid Flow 360 of the points I collected using Emlid Flow v11.7 for Android. My project is set up in UTM. The output file of the original Stop and Go data contains both the UTM coords and the Lats&Longs. Data was collected using averaging and the output data shows the start and end times used for the averaging.
Processing the Base 25O file against the Rover 25O file in Studio, using the Base 25P file for the Nav data. This is producing positions for the stop & go points at 0.2sec (5hz) intervals as it should. The position file is in Lat/Long/H as I've selected in the processing options.
In Studio, I’m using the uncorrected csv file exported from the Flow360 to get a corrected csv. I’ve now noted that the corrected csv does not contain UTM coordinates, only the corrected Lat/Long/H for the averaged points. Which, i assume, cannot be imported into my original UTM project.
Now I’m trying to figure out a workflow to convert the corrected stop and go Lat/Long/H information back into my working UTM coordinate based system. I did not expect to have to do this step. I thought either Studio would perform the transformation and export the working coordinates that are clearly defined in the Flow360 export file, or… that Flow360 would convert the Lat/Long/H coordinates on import.
I would like to have a look on your CSVs files the Uncorrected and the Corrected one. You could share here or send send it directly to our email address
The csv used in studio has your UTM coordinates and lat longs. Studio however disregards the UTM and keeps the geographical information (lats and longs). That is standard as the processing is fixed in that realisation of the data. The corrected file will usually work straight back into flow as it reads the geographicals and converts to the UTM for your project. This allows you to have the same data to import across various projections and export from one to another using the lat longs as the base information.
If you post your files to support or here someone can see the data and let you know if there is an issue.
I would check to see if there is time stamp data there as that was a common issue.
The stamps are as below: