Static Survey time. GPST/AEST

Hi all,

I have been running through the process of static survey.

I noticed that the RS2+ receiver logs in GPST but the base available to me logs in AEST (Aust East Standard Time).

Does this create any issues for the Emlid Studio software when it processes the data?

Cheers, Zac.

@zac_marshall , Pretty sure all times recorded in GPS logs (Base or Rover) are in GMT/UT0, irrespective of time zone the observations are made.

You shouldn’t have to worry about AEST/AEDST changes either.



Would second that Rinex is always stored in GPST in the raw data.

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Hi @zac_marshall,

I agree with @joelbladen and @wizprod. All the logs are recorded in GPST. I’m curious though, where did you see the logs stored in a different time zone? Could you please send a screenshot of where you encounter these logs in AEST, and the raw data logs as well so I could check?

You can send them privately via email: Thank you!


Hi Ruth, Wizprod and Joel, thanks for getting back to me.

The rinex export from my Emlid Base comes out in GPST, but the rinex from a local CORS network is exported in AEST. Sorry for the confusion.

I wasnt sure if the post processing was able to correlate the times etc when processing a static survey?

Cheers, Zac.

@zac_marshall , I’m not sure which CORS network your using, but Geoscience Australia’s (for example) is definitely in UTC. Are you able to post the Header Information from the logs? (only need about the first 100 lines)

Can you paste the header of the Rinex file?

Hi @zac_marshall,

I went ahead and grabbed some files from AUSCORS. If you look at the RINEX header, it shows that the Time of Observation is in GPS time.

You can also check the time of observation in Emlid Studio. You’ll see the observation time and date at the bottom of the screen after you drop and drag the RINEX file.

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