Software Tests

Provisional tests on the Navio software show that the Fram and Multithreads sources do not compile. The LED example does not seem to activate the leds even with 5v on the BEC input pin(from an Arduino UNO). All other modules worked excellently.
Would it be possible to have a tutorial on methods available to add new programs to the RT kernel? Can they be added from a usb stick, for example?

Hello Tom,
Thanks for noticing this. I’ve fixed the examples and pushed them to the GitHub repo.

Regarding the LED, please check the following:

  1. If you connect a servo to 1st output and run servo example - does servo move?
  2. If you run “sudo i2cdetect -y 1” do you see 0x40 address in the table?
  3. Does LED brights up when you connect 5V to BEC input?

Regarding adding new programs - software for RT kernel is the same as for the standard kernel, so it is possible to use any method of adding software to Raspberry Pi - let the package manager install it from the repos, downloads binaries yourself or compile them. This article may be helpful:

hi Mikhail

Thanks for your quick response correcting the software.

The Servo program drives a servo on ALL 13 pins. Still no luck with LED program.

The main aim of the Navio project is to combine the power of a Linux development system with a set of sensors, such that the sensor board does not need extra processing power to collect the data. This aim should also apply to the RT version of a Linux system. The RT version should, therefore, be wifi and usb enabled for software development. The RT software can then be developed in the same way as the standard Raspberry Pi Linux version.