Single RS2 Rover and NTRIP

I apologize in advance as this has probably been discussed many times. But the search keywords bring up way too many threads to read through.

I’m just wanting to know general rules of thumb for how long of NTRIP baselines produce acceptable results using an RS2? (in Washington state if geography makes a difference). I’ve slogged through reading some studies and up to 40km seems doable?

And, for collecting points to be used as GCPs and CPs in uas scanning, is there a general amount of time each point should be averaged assuming a FIX via NTRIP? Is it a matter of longer averaging if the baselines are at the longer end vs. short baselines?

Thank you!

Personally, I wouldn’t go beyond 25 km for dual frequency, if you want to have repeatable results (as in coming back to a point and you still have a 95-98% probability of being within ±2-3 cm vertical).

Longer baseline, challenging environments -> longer obs-time.
I usually do 30 seconds to 1 min in good conditions and baselines below 10 km.


Thank you for sharing your experience, Christian. We don’t generally have CORS stations every 50km in most areas. I know with longer baselines, it’s preferable to run a corrected base with longer obs time and shoot corrections to the rover. But for now I only have resources for 1 RS2. My points will never be used for “official” measurements.

It also depends if they are using a VRS system or a Nearest Tower system.

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Hi Dave,

Reach RS2 works at up to 60 km baseline in RTK. For the Fix solution, we usually recommend averaging each point for at least 40 seconds. Still, the shorter the baseline is and the clearer the line of sight is, the better.

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