, a python script to easily control your RFD900, 3DR radio from the command line

  • v0.0.8 is an alpha release
  • adds ability to set: NETID, ECC, MAVLINK, OP_RESEND @mr337

reach_2:~/serial-radio$ python --help
Usage: [-p port_filepath] [-b baud]

–version show program’s version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Enables extra information output (debugging).
-p PORT, --port=PORT Serial port filepath. Default: /dev/ttyMFD2
-t, --test-baud Test serial port for correct baud rate.
-l, --local Work with the local radio. Default. Can’t be used simultaneously with remote option.
-r, --remote Work with the remote radio.
-b BAUD, --baud=BAUD Speed in baud (SERIAL_SPEED). Valid speeds: [2400, 4800, 57600, 9600, 38400, 19200, 115200]. If no baud specified, it will test… (factory default: 57
–adr=ADR Set the air data rate (AIR_SPEED) in kbps. Valid speeds: 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, 96, 128, 192, 250. (factory default: 128)
–netid=NETID Network ID number (NETID). Valid IDs: 0 to 499 (factory default: 25)
–ecc-on Enable ECC.
–ecc-off Disable ECC. (factory default)
–mavlink-on Enable MAVLINK.
–mavlink-off Disable MAVLINK. (factory default)
–or-on Enable opportunic resend (OP_RESEND)
–or-off Disable opportunic resend (OP_RESEND) . (factory default)

example command line:

time python -v -l -b 57600 --adr=16 --mavlink-off --or-off
verbose output / make changes on local radio / serial port @57600baud / set Air Data Rate to 16kbps / turn Mavlink off / turn OpportunicResend off

runtime: 37 seconds

Download: (3.5 KB)

Known issues:
  • can’t set ECC (with the script or by hand) without ERROR
  • trouble getting a response when setting boolean (ON/OFF) values on remote radio

p.s. don’t forget to update your Reach units! ReachView 0.4.9 was released earlier today!