Setting Time Zone, is it possible?

I am really enjoying using your well-desgined product and I am very impressed by the documentation you provide in-text and video.

I encountered some issues that I didn’t find a full answer to.

In our system, we set a Reach M+ to transmit position output in NMEA format.
We selected to output also ZDA to get time and date.
The only problem is that usually, the GPS receiver is transmitting also the time-zone but in this case, we get 0.

I searched in the Reach M+ web interface if I can set the time zone but it’s nowhere to be found.

Is there any way to set or get the time-zone? or I should just correct it in our system?

More info on our system:

  1. It’s getting input correction from REACH RS+ base
  2. both are updated to last firmware
  3. We are connected over USB-serial COM
  4. other messages that are transmitted are GGA and RMC
  5. the RTK mode is using LoRa radio
  6. We wish to continuously get position and time
  7. Internet connection is not always available when the system is in use.

Thank you
Or Hirshfeld
Control SW Engineer

Hi Or,

Thanks for your patience!

Happy to see that you have a great experience with Reach :slight_smile:

Reach units record data in UTC+0. That is why Position output is available with UTC+0 only.

For what purpose do you need to get data in your local time?

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