Sensors Navio +

Good morning,
I bought Navio + three months ago and I am having a series of failures with sensors incorporated in the board.
The internal compass was not working properly becouse when calibrating the compass gave me offset values 14 -407 38 and also tried to fly the Drone Athold mode and when it does catch up wrong and Drone lose control.
The sensor Barometer that providing the pressure and temperature also gives me erroneous values. I run the code provided in our guide and get the following results:
pi@navio-rpi ~/Navio/C++/Examples/Barometer $ ./Barometer
TemperatureĀ©: 23.335491 Pressure(millibar): -1100.965576
TemperatureĀ©: 22.921785 Pressure(millibar): -645.083679
TemperatureĀ©: 22.946823 Pressure(millibar): 458.149994
Failed to read device(-1): Input/output error
TemperatureĀ©: 39.362465 Pressure(millibar): 900.775330
TemperatureĀ©: -248.239685 Pressure(millibar): -301.657745
TemperatureĀ©: 0.860323 Pressure(millibar): 961.318970
TemperatureĀ©: 32.763145 Pressure(millibar): 1039.368286
TemperatureĀ©: 18.742912 Pressure(millibar): -1091.129150
TemperatureĀ©: 23.057472 Pressure(millibar): -786.450195
TemperatureĀ©: 23.069626 Pressure(millibar): 219.366714
TemperatureĀ©: 23.078327 Pressure(millibar): 878.330139
TemperatureĀ©: -527.008423 Pressure(millibar): -2494.355957
TemperatureĀ©: -411.789154 Pressure(millibar): -1534.974487

When I run the code GPS I obtain the following results.
pi@navio-rpi ~/Navio/C++/Examples/GPS $ ./gps
Ublox test OK
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 116090 s
Longitude: -0.611799
Latitude: 38.291628
Height above Ellipsoid: 143.860 m
Height above mean sea level: 95.611 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 11.169 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 16.006 m
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 116091 s
Longitude: -0.611796
Latitude: 38.291628
Height above Ellipsoid: 144.175 m
Height above mean sea level: 95.926 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 11.149 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 15.767 m
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 116093 s
Longitude: -0.611792
Latitude: 38.291622
Height above Ellipsoid: 143.150 m
Height above mean sea level: 94.902 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 11.187 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 15.563 m
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 1
gps Fix status: 3D-fix

GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 116097 s
Longitude: -0.611772
Latitude: 38.291590
Height above Ellipsoid: 139.780 m
Height above mean sea level: 91.531 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 11.006 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 14.729 m
As we can see results values are not fixed and at no time I have moved the Drone.
In addition when Iā€™m making an autonomous flight Drone doesnĀ“t realize the route and I obtain Error compass variance.
Someone has obtained these results?
You know if the board goes wrong or I can do to solve my problems?
Thank you

Hi Sara,

The offsets values that you see during the calibration are different from what GCS expects from a Pixhawk\APM board. That happens because the internal compass of MPU9250 has a wider range than HMC5883. It shouldnā€™t be an issue. Hereā€™s some info about it:

Did you disable the APM before running the Barometer example?
Do you have the barometer covered with an open-cell foam?

Where was you drone located when you were running the GPS example?

When I fly the Drone with athold o Loiter mode with the internal compass,the drone did not pick up that fixed with the knob, plus several times I lost control and did not respond to the command.
I will add an external compass and that mistake was corrected. The problem is that I still even giving error compass variance when Iā€™m flying the Drone,I do not know if this problem is because the mission planner even detect the internal compass or I have some other failure in the compass
When I run the barometer I have running the APM.
GPSā€™ve tried abroad and when I fly the Drone in auto mode sometimes does not work well and doesnā€™t make the route.
Tanks you.

Please do NOT run APM and examples simultaneously, especially in flight. This leads to resource access conflicts in the system and results in incorrect output values.

Please upload the log of your flight.

So I can not send sensor data while Iā€™m doing the flight?
These are my GPS data without APM:
Ublox test OK
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 123483 s
Longitude: -0.611590
Latitude: 38.291769
Height Above Ellipsoid: 151759 m
Height above mean sea level: 103 510 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 4,700 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 6,135 m
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 1
GPS Fix status: 3D-fix

GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 123484 s
Longitude: -0.611588
Latitude: 38.291769
Height Above Ellipsoid: 151622 m
Height above mean sea level: 103 373 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 4,716 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 6.172 m
GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 123484 s
Longitude: -0.611588
Latitude: 38.291769
Height Above Ellipsoid: 151672 m
Height above mean sea level: 103 423 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 4,735 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 6,218 m
Current GPS status:
gpsFixOk: 1
GPS Fix status: 3D-fix

GPS Millisecond Time of Week: 123484 s
Longitude: -0.611585
Latitude: 38.291769
Height Above Ellipsoid: 151736 m
Height above mean sea level: 103 487 m
Horizontal Accuracy Estateimate: 4,815 m
Vertical Accuracy Estateimate: 6,358 m

No, you should never run examples while in flight with APM running.
If you did run them during the flight then this is probably the reason of your flight issues.

You can obtain flight sensor data from the APM logs.

I run the examples with the APM, but I have not tried out the examples while on the flight.
I thought it could be done and once flew well Drone wanted to get the values of the sensors while flying, but you can not
You know that can be of erro compass variance?

There may be different reasons to this, try to move RPi/Navio+ further away from power distribution / ESC / Battery, replace parts that may contain iron with plastic / carbon / aluminum.

After that restart APM and calibrate your compass again (always restart APM before calibrating compass).

I have repeated several times the compass and I changing the raspberry and navio+ site and I keep getting error compass variance.
I can run commands to view a camera via streaming while Iā€™m flying the Drone, or that too will fly me wrong Drone?

Please post a close-up photo of your drone and provide a list of parts that you are using.

You can run camera streaming while flying, unlike sensors it is not used by the APM.

The error compass variance produces the internal compass . You know how I can disable it so that only the external compass me work?

What external compass do you want to use?

The external compass that I use is the HMC5883L
My drone consists of a Raspberry Pi 2 B, Navio+, power module,GPS antenna (Kit that comes with the navio +), Lipo battery 3000mAh, kit DJI F450, 3DR, receiving GR-16 and mz-12 transmitter

When I download the log, I get the following results.
In the first image vibrations are observed

and in the second image interferences are observed
Do you think I have vibrations and/or interference?
Thanks you.

Could you please upload the log files? It would be easier for us to analyze them.

The log is here:

Could you please upload flight logs from the RPi\Navio (not the GCS), they are located in /var/APM/logs directory.

They are here:
Thanks you

Do you have a picture of your drone?

This is my Drone