Searching for Experienced Emlid users in Australia for drone mapping

Hello everyone,
I work as an environmental scientist in Perth, Western Australia. I’m wondering if there are any experienced Emlid users who are also experienced in drone mapping that I could contact for consulting advice? You don’t have to live in Western Australia, but within Australia would be would be beneficial (for a host of reasons).

My company recently purchased some Emlid products (Reach RS2 base station kit and Reach RS rover kit) to use in combination with recently purchased drones (DJI Phantom 4 RTK, P4 multispectral and P4 v2.0).

As environmental scientists, not surveyors, we are looking for advice on workflows for how to setup the systems and what components/combinations to use in what situations. I have a good grounding in drone mapping (the drone part), but not a solid foundation in using the surveying equipment we just bought.

Regards, Kris

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search youtube for mangoesmapping

Thanks, I will

Hi Kris,

Welcome to the community forum!

We’re already in touch with you via email, but I will duplicate my thoughts here, too :slight_smile:

You can use Reach RS2 as a base for DJI drones with an RTK chip on board. For DJI Phantom 4 RTK, we even have a ready workflow in Reach RS2 docs, so you can just follow it.

I’ve checked that the DJI P4 Multispectral drone also has an RTK chip. So if it can get corrections in RTCM3 format via NTRIP protocol, it should integrate with Reach RS2 just like DJI Phantom 4 RTK.

To do precise mapping with DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0, you can place GCPs with your Reach RS2 base and Reach RS+ rover. But please keep in mind that it’ll work as a single-band system. You can find more details on why it works this way in this post.

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