RX not getting NTRIP corrections in standalone mode

But it will “work” with an accuracy of 1-3 metres.
For most surveyors, this is not acceptable. I believe the immediate assumption on this board is the end-user is a surveyor or someone needing sub-metre results.
Perhaps the parameters @hicksonresearch is working with 1-3m is usable?
He needs to specify


I’m sorry Ardrian, I’m not understanding your point.

My comment was aimed at the OP saying that the receiver was not “working” because the accuracy had dropped compared to the last time they had used the equipment.

Sure. Any precision gnss receiver will only be accurate to the meter level without any form of correction. That does not mean the the receiver is not functional or “working”. If anyone, especially a surveyor, does not understand that, that is a problem, correct?

A novice might turn on a receiver and assume centimeter accuracy without following any kind of workflow. But that assumption will of course be wrong. They might think the receiver is “broken” when in fact it is the workflow that is lacking. ( I know you know that! :slightly_smiling_face: )


I was trying to add a bit of clarity to the original post & the issue raised.

When he posted:

it really confused me.
Survey with great precision without NTRIP? with an RX?

I think most of the users of the forum are land surveyors (like myself) from the international community and are expecting that the posts are going to be centered around other users of the equipment trying to achieve decimeter (or better) results.
When I read the OP’s bio I realized he might be using the equipment for less precise, Geology projects which may be fine with results obtained in the “single” mode.

Was merely trying to help others put the pieces together


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