RTKLIB convbin exclude system syntax

I would like to run convbin CUI tool to convert .UBX to RINEX but I’m unclear on the syntax to exclude SAT systems.

do I put a -y marker for each system or use commas or what is the right way

./convbin -r ubx -f 1 -y C -y E /home/patrick/Downloads/roof5APPGOODtest/rover3/r3.UBX

./convbin -r ubx -f 1 -y C,E /home/patrick/Downloads/roof5APPGOODtest/rover3/r3.UBX

Unfortunately the program doesnt throw error for either of these so I’m scared I’m doing it wrong even though the program is not complaining.

from rtklib manual

-y sys exclude systems (G:GPS,R:GLO,E:Galileo,J:QZSS,S:SBAS,C:BeiDou)

Your RINEX is human-readable. Why don’t you try it a couple of different ways and see what works.

I’ve done it before, but I just can’t remember which is the right way :thinking: My guess is with the commas.

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Hi Bide,

I ran once using comma and once using separate -y. I noticed that the header was slightly difference in # / TYPES OF OBSERV of the .OBS was wondering if you can tell which one is correct.

./convbin -r ubx -f 1 -y E,C /home/patrick/Downloads/roof5APPGOODtest/base4/b4.UBX

    4    C1    L1    C2    L2                              # / TYPES OF OBSERV 

./convbin -r ubx -f 1 -y E -y C /home/patrick/Downloads/roof5APPGOODtest1/base4/b4.UBX

   2    C1    L1                                          # / TYPES OF OBSERV

Your output looks like the difference between -f 1 and -f 2

If you really didn’t change the f parameter, then you may have found a bug. C2 and L2 observations are for dual frequency receivers. They do not need to be enabled for logs generated by Reach devices.

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