RTK surveyed node problem

Hi guys,
I have one Reach RS+ which I deploy it in an overhead network project to locate pole positions. The problem which I occasionally face with is it records the level incorrectly. This has happened even in situations that I had internet coverage. I appreciate if anybody can give me a solution regarding this issue

Hi Ali,

Welcome to the community forum!

Do I understand correctly that you use the NTRIP service as a base in your setup? Are the coordinates that you compare the Reach’s results with in the WGS84 coordinate system?

Hi Polina,
Thanks for your quick reply. Yes I use NTRIP service and coordinates are based on WGS84 system

Hi Ali,

Could you please provide me with the raw data, position log, base correction log and the coordinates’ list that you compare RS+ results to? This guide might help you on how to get the logs from RS+.

You can send all the data to my PM or via support@emlid.com as there might be sensitive information included.

Hi Ali,

Any chance you have been able to get the logs from your receiver?


Thank you for the provided data! I’ll check it and write you back.

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your patience!

I’ve looked through your data. There are still some points that I need to clarify in order to understand what causes the altitude issue.

  • Do you collect the same location and get different altitude values or you compare these results to some data?

  • Does that data is calculated with orthometric heights? Please note that Reach receivers currently work with ellipsoidal heights only

Also, the .csv file you provided id from 01-07-2020. But the logs from the receiver were recorded in 29-06-2020. Would it be possible to share the data from that day?

Regarding PPK, the observational data contains an extreme amount of cycle slips and generally low SNR. There are very few satellites with SNR above 35 during the whole survey. You can see it on the screenshots below.

A cycle slip appears when the signal was delayed or disrupted, and Reach lost track of the satellite. Usually, this and the low SNR can result from improper setup. Such data quality can cause difficulties in PPK. For better results, you can check our guide to learn how you can improve observational data.

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