RTK and Post Processing Project

Hi everyone,

FIrst of all, i must say i’m Mining Engineer so i’m sort of new at using this GPS technology.
I’ve made some projects practising the RTK method using two Reach RS+ (Base and Rover) and PPK workflow with RTK Lib, and have some questions to you. My method to collect data is next:
1_ Set up my Base in an unknown point, configure the “Base Mode” with “Average Single” mode to obtain the coordenates of this point. Once this is done, start logging on Raw data (generate a RINEX 2.11 version).
2_Set the ROVER to work in RTK mode (LoRa) and start a new survey in the Reach View app, and start collecting points. There was 10 points aprox.
3_Once added point in the survey project, start logging for 5 minutes on each point with the ROVER to generate a RINEX file for post processing.

This survey was made in a remote area (mountains zone) with good weather conditions (clear sky). The max distance between the base and diffrent points was about 400 metters and the soluition state achieve on every point was “FIX” with a “DOP” less than 2.0 and a “AR” value of 999.9.
Elevation mask used in this project was 15º.

So, with the aforementioned here comes my questions:
-If the solution was FIX for each point, its post processing necessary here?
-On RTK lib, i “cross” information between the .obs files from the base with the .obs and .nav files from each point taken from Rover. Is this method ok?
-And finally, if i correct only my base coordinates with the data of a known permanent station, its necessary the correction of every point taken with the Rover?

Thanks to all for take your time to reading this and your help.


I think your workflow is ok. If you post-process the base coordinates first and start base with post processed coordinates and then make the RTK survey you dont need to post process each point.

I usually make surveys only processing the base and then move all the points from the base with no process to the new procces coordinates on a CAD workflow.

Sorry for my english.


Hi Edgar! Thanks for your response, i supossed that was one way to do it, but I wasn’t shure so now gonna try that method and analyze the results.

Hi Pablo,

Thank you for the detailed explanation of the working scenario!

I am commenting on your questions below.

As you had a fixed solution during the survey, I believe it’s not necessary to post-process the data. However, you might want to do it just to double-check the results.

Please note that as long as your base was placed using averaged single technique, you’ll need to post-process your base and rover logs against a permanent base station logs in case you need absolute accuracy.

May I ask you to specify what you mean by “crossing” the information?

In the RTKPOST it’s possible to use either base’s .nav files or rover’s ones for post-processing, it shouldn’t make a difference.

Yes, it’s necessary to apply changes to the points’ coordinates.

After post-processing the base coordinate, you can determine the offset as the difference between the original coordinate obtained with “average single” and your post-processed coordinate.

Then, you’ll need to manually change the points’ coordinates from the CVS file so that they don’t include offset.

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Hi Polina!

Thanks for your comments, they are really helpfull.

What I mean by “crossing” the information of the .obs files of the base and the rover is, precisely, the post-process of these in RTK post.

What I do is, first correct the coordinates of my base with a permanent station, and then, those of the rover in RTK post.

sorry if I don’t explain myself well.

Anyway, your comments cleared my doubts quite well.
I did the test to apply the method explained above by Edgar, and the ones you suggest and the difference is minimal. So, taking this into account I assume that the work is well done.

Again, thank you very much for your collaboration!

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