I am just trying a fresh emlid-raspberrypi2-raspbian-rt-20150401.img.xz kernel image on a Raspberry Pi 2.
I notice, that in top of an idling machine, the top three processes are interrupt handlers, using quite a chunk of load:
66 root -51 0 0 0 0 S 10.1 0.0 6:47.89 irq/75-dwc_otg_
64 root -51 0 0 0 0 S 9.1 0.0 6:20.24 irq/75-dwc_otg
65 root -51 0 0 0 0 S 7.5 0.0 4:33.28 irq/75-dwc_otg_
… and indeed, this handles around 8000 interrupts/second:
$ (cat /proc/interrupts ; sleep 5; cat /proc/interrupts) | awk 'BEGIN{m=0} /dwc_otg/ {t[m]=systime(); i[m]=$2; m++;} END { dt=t[1]-t[0]; printf("%d secs; %.2f int/s\n", dt, (i[1]-i[0])/dt);}'
5 secs; 8084.40 int/s
This interrupt should be handling USB and ethernet AFAIK, but there is nothing connected to any USB port, and ethernet port just communicates low-speed via an SSH connection.
Do others see that as well ? It is pretty unusual, and could probably indicate a problem in this kernel.