RS3 Tilt Compensation Not working (Outage?)

Im wotking on a construction site where we are laying out footing pads. Somthing is not right. Evertying was acting funny and the Tilt compesation feature was as if it was turend off. It almost felt like I was useing my older RS2. I have not changed anthing in settings. In useing NTRIP for my corections. Im hearing that Verizon is having issues today 9/30/24. Is this somthing that could be causing the problem?


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Hi Chris,

While you were surveying, did your RS3 get a FIX solution? It’s important to check because tilt compensation only works with a FIX. Could you share a screenshot of the Status tab so I can take a closer look?

Yes I did have a fixed solution but it was in and out alot! I was constantly having to wait then tilt it back and forth.

The Tilt compensation depends on having a stable fixed solution, and that relies on a steady stream of corrections from the NTRIP service. If your internet isn’t stable, the corrections might drop, making the fixed solution unstable and causing Tilt to stop working.

Currently, our investigation shows that the Verizon SIM doesn’t work with the Reach devices. We’re working on providing a solution for RS3 to work with these SIM cards. We don’t block any SIM cards from our side; such restrictions usually come from the mobile operator’s side. I’ll keep you posted on any updates.

In the meantime, here are two workarounds:

  • You can insert this SIM card into a mobile phone and share the Internet following our guide.
  • Alternatively, you can connect to RS3 via Bluetooth and use the NTRIP over Bluetooth option. This way, the receiver uses your phone’s internet to get corrections. In Emlid Flow, please quickly tap on the Profile tab 10 times and enable the BLE option.

Do any of these options work for you?

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