RS3 set-up issue (Factory Reset?)

Hi all. New RS3 owner here. I’m running in to a problem that my Android Emlid Flow app doesn’t find the initially WiFi-linked RS3 anymore. RS3 has a static blue WiFI-light on, but my Samsung doesn’t find the hotspot of the RS3.

I’ve done the hard reset several times, but that didn’t help. Is there a way to do a full factory reset manually so I could start from scratch?

If the WiFi LED is solid blue, it means the unit has connected to a third-party WiFi network, and then it does not create its own hotspot.

Perfectly normal. You can find the Reach hotspot only when the WiFi LED is solid white.

So the question is to find to which network the Reach is now connected. If not to your smartphone’s own hotspot, then it could be to the house or office WiFi network. Connect your phone to it and open Emlid Flow to see if the unit appears in it.


Hi @MK74, Welcome to the community!

As you mentioned, your RS3 has a static solid blue light on, which means the device is connected to the WiFi network. Your phone should connect to the same WiFi network to see the device on Emlid Flow.

You can try to find which WiFi network the Reach connects, as @Florian mentioned. If you want to change the device back into factory setup, you can do reflashing. Please be aware that you will lose all the data on the Reach by doing this.

I have the same problem. And I tried to do what @Florian suggested; I connected my phone with the only WiFi network RS3 could be connected to, but the RS3 doesn’t show up. It is very frustrating to deal with these kind of issues.
Anyways, what do you suggest to do?

Take the Reach unit out for a walk or a drive somewhere away from any WiFi network, turn it on & then try & connect to the Reach’s own hotspot with your phone. Once you connect you should be able to access the settings and use the RS3’s network menus to tell it to forget known networks. Then you can try to set it up again.

Hope that helps.

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Hi @SurveyingBird, have you tried what @ElectroNick suggests? I’d say a Factory reset is the last resource since it resets all the settings and erases all the data on the device.

I would make sure you are not in an area where you have connected the RS3 to a wifi network (ie office or home network). This will cause you many headaches if you then go outside and try to connect directly to the hotspot as it will still be on the home/office wifi. I rarely use android but you should be able to connect via bluetooth as well.

But I would simply turn wifi off (on your android). wait a few seconds and then turn it back on. I will lose wifi connection occasionally during the survey. I then have to exit the survey, go to “devices”, click on “refresh” and once it is back active resume the survey. Does not happen often but it does happen.