RS3 as NTRIP base

Hi All,

I have set up an RS3 as a base station and after a few hours it stops broadcasting the correction to the caster for some reason.

It works fine for a few hours. It has nothing to do with battery as its plugged into permanent power.

Has anyone any ideas?


Hi Colin,

Welcome to the forum!

  • How do you understand when the recipient stops sending corrections? Do you see it in the Emlid Flow application or somewhere else?
  • Are you using Emlid Caster or another caster?
  • Does RS3 start broadcasting corrections again after the restart?

Hello, Thanks for the reply.

  • I know it has stopped as the rover has stopped working. When I check in the caster I can see that its not active.

  • Yes, I am usig the Emlid caster

  • Yes RS3 will broadcast again after a restart.

  • It hasnt behaved like this today and it has been working for 7 hours so far.


Did I understand correctly that both the base and the rover are shown offline in Emlid Caster, and after restarting, you see them online again? If the receiver is shown offline in the caster, it could be related to the internet connection. Please try another Wi-Fi connection.

If the issue happens again with another Wi-Fi, please share the Full System report, the email address used for the Emlid Caster profile and the name of the mount point. You can send this information privately to

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