I have been using my rs2+ for about a year now for earth/dirt work and it has been working great. Been using a 1NCE Sim and using MN and IA Cors networks as input correction and using the emlid caster as the base output. Was working good until a couple days ago. Everything appears to be working normal except the rs2+ will not connect to an input and will not send out any data over ntrip. I show great cell connection in the emlid flow app. I took it home and connected it to wifi and it started working, took back out to the field and would not work. What I have tried so far: Updating firmware from 31.8 to 32.2, different sim cards, all with plenty of data, used the reach firmware flash tool to get it back to defaults and set it up again, even tried using a different rs2+ with no luck. Anyone have any ideas?
Just to check the LTE network. If you enable hotspot then share internet on your unit and connect your phone to the same hotspot.
If you can browse internet, then there is something off with the correction, either the signal format or the base/refrence station.
Also, some network service need you to enable “Send NMEA GGA messages to the provider (required for VRS)”
Not just VRS, sometimes RTN station etc.
If you rover cant resolve SINGLE solution, that might stop it from receiving correction too