RS2 Update issues

Recently we found that we needed to update our RS2 to the version 30 firmware to use the Local NTRIP function. I was having issues connecting through a network to run the update so I did it through the Reach firmware flasher. It flashed the new firmware just fine as far as I can tell but I am still unable to connect to it properly. I can connect to the Emlid initially with my phone, and start the setup process. I name the Emlid, and then connect it to my hotspot. I lose the connection, then connect my phone to the hotspot but the Emlid never shows up in the Emlid Flow app. I have also tried this on our wifi here in the office and using someone else’s phone as a hotspot and still no luck. My next step is to take this home and try working on it on my home network, but I figured I would try asking here first. My app is up to date, the networks are 2.4GHz and, outside of the office networks there should be no restrictions or firewalls. I’d really appreciate any help guys.

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Hi @pmeese,

Do you have iOS or Android? Which model and version?

I lose the connection, then connect my phone to the hotspot but the Emlid never shows up in the Emlid Flow app.

What does the Network LED look like in this case? Is it solid blue?

We managed to get it working right, it was our network that was causing issues.

Thanks for sharing the update!