RS2 unresponsive when mobile data weak


In short: during GCPs measurement our RS2 became unresponsive. The unit was struggling to get mobile data connection and was displaying 3G with no bar, then only very limited connection, then again no bar, and so on until it became unresponsive

Config : NTRIP via 4G, latest FMW on RS2, latest app version on IOS iPhone

Steps :

  • Start RS2
  • RS2 start up, connection possible via WIFI and BT
  • No Fix, 38 Sats SINGLE
  • Waiting for mobile to connect but it seems reception was poor : displaying 3G with no bar or a short one
  • Getting sometimes FIX but switching FIX-SINGLE-FIX-… as mobile connection drops
  • Unit at some point crashes but reboot and works further
  • Unit crashes and keeps spinning leds with no Wifi, BT or network
  • Unable to restart unit

At this location we had 4 other systems running via mobile and didn’t have as much struggle, their connection were good and they had a fix

Super annoying : impossible to switch to phone network as phone use the Wifi of the Emlid to connect and don’t activate his hotspot…

This is the second time it happens.

What is the issue and what can we do when on the field?


Hi @AirPrecision_arnaud,

I’ve sent you an email. Let’s continue the troubleshooting there as it may require sensitive data.


Hi everyone,

I just want to let you know that we’re continuing the troubleshooting via email. If you encounter any similar issues, feel free to contact us at, and we will look into them. Thank you!

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