adds up to issue 1: missing L2 carrier phase in raw file (for some satellites)
The 2 previous issues are recording issue for RS2 (not related to post-processing software).
These 2 issues were observed using the UBX format.
Issue 2 is not a drop of L2 carrier data, but the L2 carrier phase is not recorded at all for some satellites. Christian mentioned that older satellites do not have L2C… Weirdly, the satellites with no L2 carrier phase are the ones with no L2C. L2 carrier phase should be present for all satellites in view,
last problem is related to RTKConv. When using RTKConv, some L2 carrier phase is dropped. This issue adds up to issue 1 and 2 above. In UBX file there is missing epochs and missing L2 carrier phase, when you convert the file with RTKConv, you lose even more L2 carrier phase.
Why can we say the issue adds up ?
when a file is converted to RINEX with RTKConv we can see
drop of epochs (same as the one we see in UBX file)
missing L2 carrier for some satellites (same as the one we see in UBX file)
if file was converted by RTKConv, we also see less L2 carrier (some drops L2 drops, partial drops, drops could however be important). This last issue can also be RTKConv not being set properly.
I do not use RTKConv, I have UBX files that I can compare with its rinex made by RTKConv.
What I can say is the UBX file has more L2 data than the rinex file converted by RTKConv.
If I convert UBX with EZSurv converter : UBX and RINEX have the same amount of data.
I am glad you are working on it, and hope a solution will be available soon.
Been looking to simply put all that you’ve posted together in the above writeup for Emlid to understand what the issue is but I’ve been on trek for some weeks now. Decided to make more tests upon my return and provide them with some substantial evidence but voila, someone has finally expressed the little experience I had with RS2s raw data before I went on trek. Thanks @Effigis_OnPOZ
We’ve conducted multiple tests and may confirm that Reach RS2 may lose some epochs in raw data. We’re now working on the solution, as I mentioned above.
2. Missing L2 carrier phase in raw data recorded by RS
I examined all the data you shared here and over email once again and can conclude the following:
According to the data you shared, there is no L2 recorded for the G14, G20, and G21 satellites in RS2 raw data.
It seems that the CORS station you mentioned can track L2P signal, that’s why it provides L2 observations. As for Reach RS2, it can track L2C only that is not transmitted by these satellites.
That’s why I assume there should be no issues with logging L2 carrier phase in raw UBX data.
Please let me know your thoughts regarding this case.
3. Converting UBX to RINEX in RTKLib issue
We expect to release the fix to this issue as soon as possible.
Yep, I saw, but it is in Rinex 2.10. I need one in Rinex 3.03.
Maybe EZsurv suffers from the same issue as NRCAN ?
Quote from NRCAN, after contacting them:
GPS observations in your Rinex3 file contain C2L signal. The (L) modulation of pseudo range C2 is not supported by our service. That is why the processing of GPS data could not be done.
It is planned to support this and other modulations once specific code biases become available.
Here is the list of currently supported signals:
Thank you for this reminder!
I check with engineering and they confirmed that we only use L2C, since RS2 does not provide L2P.
So if older satellites do not have L2C it is normal we cannot use these older satellites for L2 (given L2P is not recorded for these older satellites).
If a receiver can record the entire signal, EZSurv will use it all.
If a receiver records part of the signal, EZSurv will use what’s available.