RS2 Rinex zip File error

I was capturing RINEX 3.03 data with my RS2 like I usually do for a flight.

When I came to my computer today to extract the RS2 zip files I am getting an error when I try to open and extract from the actual ZIP folder. It shows to have 2.4mb of data but not able to open it.

Really need this fixed in order to complete my Flight processing.

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Hi @brandon,

Did you stop recording this log manually in the Logging tab or by powering off the receiver? What is the firmware version of your Reach RS2?

Also, can you please share the file itself with me? You can do that here or via

I stopped the recording manually in the logging tab and waited for it to be compressed for like 30 seconds and then powered off the RS2 not sure what version it is running but we got the RS2 about 3-4 months ago and have not updated the firmware.

Says new users can not upload attachments so I will send out an email to the provided email address.

Got you! I’ll be waiting for the file via email.

To check the current firmware version, you can go to Settings → Firmware updates in Emlid Flow. There, you can also update the receiver if it’s connected to Wi-Fi.

Hi there,

Just wanted to post an update here that we retrieved the log from the ZIP file.

If you face the same issue, please write to us at or create a new thread. We will help you out.

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