RS2 - difficulty to switch on "Mobile Data"

Hallo dear emlid team,

in principal my RS2 with Nokia 4.2 phone, NTRIP and ArcGIS works

  1. v2.22.4.
  2. [System report] see below
  3. Detailed problem description.
    I can not switch on the mobile data
    Whenever pushing the button to on… the rs2 thinks for some seconds… and comes back to “off”
    Here at home via home network, but same behaviour outside

As said, it works in general, but sometimes (as today) this occurs for minutes or hours as today.
rebooting, … RS2 and and the nokia device did not help today.

  1. Your step by step actions.

  2. Picture of the setup and connection scheme.

  3. Specify the exact make and model of the hardware you are integrating.

  • Nokia 4.2 Android 10
  • SIM: belgian multiprovider data (still 70Mb credit :slight_smile:
  • WLAN here Fritzbox …

System report

Simple system report
app version: 2.22.4-r0
'wifi_status, interface: wlan0':
- wifi_mode: infrastructure
- ip:
  is_added: true
  is_connected: true
  is_visible: false
  mac_address: 6C:21:A2:92:7B:78
  security: wpa-psk
  ssid: FRITZ!Box 7560 BZ
  uuid: 68a333f9-c945-459d-bdda-1558ec5ed3ec
base mode:
  base coordinates:
    accumulation: 2
    antenna offset:
      east: '0'
      north: '0'
      up: '0'
    - 0
    - 0
    - 0
    format: llh
    mode: single-and-hold
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: tcpsvr://:9000#rtcm3
    type: tcpsvr
  rtcm3 messages:
      enabled: true
      frequency: 0.10000000000000001
      enabled: true
      frequency: 1
      enabled: true
      frequency: 1
      enabled: false
      frequency: 1
      enabled: false
      frequency: 1
  discoverable: true
  enabled: true
  pin: '***'
    - - 863000
      - 870000
correction input:
    enabled: true
    format: rtcm3
    path: nw-932444:***@
    send position to base: single
    type: ntripcli
    enabled: false
    format: RTCM3
    io_type: tcpsvr
    path: :9028
device: null
    format: RTCM3
    started: true
    format: null
    started: null
  debug: false
  interval: 24
  overwrite: true
    format: UBX
    started: true
    format: LLH
    started: true
  air rate: 2.6000000000000001
  frequency: 868000
  mode: read
  output power: 20
position output:
    enabled: true
    format: nmea
    path: bluetooth
    type: bluetooth
    enabled: true
    format: nmea
    path: :9001
    type: tcpsvr
rtk settings:
  elevation mask angle: 7
  glonass ar mode: 'off'
  gps ar mode: fix-and-hold
  max horizontal acceleration: 1
  max vertical acceleration: 1
  positioning mode: kinematic
  positioning systems:
    compass: true
    galileo: true
    glonass: true
    gps: true
    qzss: true
  snr mask: 14
  update rate: 1
sound: null
1 Like

Hi @christian.legeland,

Is there any chance that you have another SIM card for testing the Reach?

Hallo, yes, I can put in some telekom card.
The diffculty in usage is, that the GSM coverage in the area is assured by three providers with different coverage (3G, LTE) with in general only 1-2 bars availabilty.

Thanks & Best Chris

Hi Chris,

May I ask to generate the Full system report when the SIM-card is inserted and share it with me? I’d like to check how the SIM-card is defined by the 3G modem.

Please send it to me in DM, as the report may contain sensitive information.

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