RS2 - Difficulties getting FIX with PPK in Static Mode

Dear all,
I’ve just started getting into Reach Emlid RS2 PPK workflow and I have quite some difficulties getting a fix for my surveyed GCPs.
I have two RS2, the base is set up on top of a small hill, so definitely a optimal sky visibility. I’ve not moved further than 1-2km away from the base, some GCPs are on an opposing hill slope, others on the top with a clear line of sight between base and rover. Each GCP has an observation time of 5 minutes.

I have followed the tutorials of Emlid Studio as well as RTKlib. Both workflows don’t yield any useable results.
Attached is the raw data from base and rover. I’d be highly appreciative if someone could take a look what’s going on. Did I mess up some settings on the device? Did I just miss something during post processing? Or do I have to increase observation time per point?

Thanks in advance,

Rover: ReachRover-raw_202108180456.UBX - Google Drive
Base: ReachBase-raw_202108180431.UBX - Google Drive

Doesn’t seem to process in EzSurv either.
Can see anything obvious wrong with either obs-file. Pretty wierd!

Thank you very much for taking a look!
I’ll be doing some further testing today, but so far all collected data shows this weirdness.

Okay, here are some updates: When processing the data in kinematic mode, I do get fixes for almost all points. So far I have been under the assumption that static mode was the correct approach when observing each point over a certain amount time, but that results in barely any fixes.
Emlid support, is this normal?

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Hi @arie,

The Static mode implies the whole log was recorded on one point. If you cut your UBX in the time intervals of each point, it will work. However, the app is not that smart yet to define it on its own :sweat_smile: So far, you need to work in the Kinematic mode.


Thanks for the clarification!

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