RS+ Failure


I have a problem with one of my new RS+ units, can anyone help? I bought two RS+ about six weeks ago, and designated one the base and the other the rover. The rover has been working perfectly well, but the base keeps turning itself off after about twenty minutes. Frustrating if I’m stood next to it, infuriating if I’m a mile away! In an effort to resolve the problem I refreshed the firmware as advised. The rover worked perfectly (and I’ve reconfigured it as a base now as I thought that if I had to live with a unit that switched itself off, better it be the rover). However, the original base seemed to go through the installation of the firmware OK, rebooted and I got the success message, but then refused to turn on. I’ve tried everything — long button pushes, multiple presses everything. I’ve left the device on charge overnight, using different chargers, and my iMac, but always using the supplied cable, but I can’t even get a single light to show on the panel. The unit now seems to be completely dead, except for one somewhat odd thing: on my phone it seems to still be showing up as a Wifi hotspot, the on-off button making no difference. I’ve tried connecting to the hotspot, but it rejects the standard password each time. I’m at something of a loss now, as I’m in Italy on a survey project that’s vital for my PhD, but I have limited time left and need my solution up and running urgently as, given the pandemic, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to return if I can’t get my work done this summer. Does anyone have any ideas?

All the best


Hi Chris,

That’s definitely not how Reach devices should behave, so let’s see what we can do further to resolve it for you.

First of all, we need the device’s Serial Number (printed under the bar code on the bottom) and the front panel photo. Please share it with us at From what I can see now, further troubleshooting may require sensitive info, so it’s better to move our conversation there.

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I’ve emailed it to you.

Best wishes


Hi, I’ve not heard anything, did you get my email?


Hi @8qjdxdm494,

Thanks for the serial number info. We’ve received it.

I’ve answered you in the email.

Hi Everyone,

As we moved the troubleshooting procedure with Chris to the tickets, I want to conclude this topic and share the resolution statement for this case.

The case is appeared to be unexpectedly complex, so we decided to inspect this unit thoroughly and send Chris a new one.

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